A Few Of The Reasons for Coffee


  • It tastes like hopes and dreams.
  • Caffeine perks me up.
  • Other people talk to me in the morning.
  • Jail is a real thing,
  • It’s difficult to work if eyes are closed.
  • It helps me mimic socially acceptable behavior.
  • Strangers stare if you forget to put pants on.



You know this list is much longer! What are your reasons?

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Should we believe in God? In this brisk introduction to modern atheism, one of the world’s greatest science writers tells us why we shouldn’t.

Mornings are a difficult time without stupid people behaving without any knowledge of how irritating they are. Let ’em know how you really feel.

Make a statement with this Science ➜ Like Religion But Real tee. Don’t miss this tee if you’re looking for faithless gifts talking about atheism.

Dive into the book to understand the simple, easy-to-understand counterpoints to the most popular arguments made for the existence of God.

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I don't suffer from a book addiction. I enjoy every minute of it.